Le site de Sullivan Le Postec, scénariste et réalisateur, créateur de la série Les Engagés.

20 Jan

Who's next ? (Applications open for Serial Eyes 5)

Publié par Sullivan Le Postec  - Catégories :  #Serial Eyes, #Scénario, #Scénaristes

Applications for SERIAL EYES year 5 are now open!

SERIAL EYES is an eight-month, full-time postgraduate programme for TV writer-producers. Core of the SERIAL EYES programme is the writers’ room experience that trains young European writers to work in a team setting and pursue a new model of showrunning. Based in Berlin, SERIAL EYES is organised and managed by Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB), in partnership with the London Film School and The National Film School of Denmark. SERIAL EYES gets the next generation of European TV creators ready for the future of television!

Admission Requirements

  •     Applicants must be from the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. Applicants from outside the European Union can still apply for a very limited amount of places (one to two).
  •     Applicants should have written or produced at least one drama or comedy series, ideally broadcast on a TV channel in their own country, and must be cognizant of the demands of the TV businesses.
  •     Applicants should enter the programme with multiple ideas for original TV series that may be developed further over the course of instruction.
  •     A high standard of spoken and written English is essential.
  •     The recommended age is 25 to 35 years.

Required Application Materials

  •     CV with work and training experience
  •     Personal letter of motivation outlining why you would like to participate in the SERIAL EYES programme, your expectations and your professional goals (1-2 pages)
  •     Analysis of a TV series from your country (1 page)
  •     Proposals for 3 potential TV series concepts you would like to develop at SERIAL EYES (up to 1 page each)
  •     A writing sample of your choice (10 pages)
  •     Optional: Links to films you have made
  •     How did you hear about SERIAL EYES?
  •     Optional: Scholarship application letter – Please specify your financial reasons for the scholarship request (applications for scholarships are only possible until the first application deadline)
  •     Letter of recommendation in English by a producer or broadcaster
  •     All application materials must be in English


  •     Official deadline (including scholarship applications): 1 March, 2017
  •     Late deadline: 1 April, 2017
La première promo de Serial Eyes à Cannes, pour le MIP en avril 2014

La première promo de Serial Eyes à Cannes, pour le MIP en avril 2014

Apply online: http://serialeyes.application.dffb.de/en/

Interviews for those admitted to the second round will be held in late May. Final decisions will be announced by mid-June.

For further information, you can contact the programme coordinator Federica Loddo via e-mail :

J'ai figuré parmi les étudiants de la première promo de Serial Eyes en 2013/2014, une expérience incroyablement enrichissante qui m'a beaucoup appris et beaucoup apporté.

J'en ai relaté quelques moments sur ce blog.

Who's next ? (Applications open for Serial Eyes 5)
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À propos

Le site de Sullivan Le Postec, scénariste et réalisateur, créateur de la série Les Engagés.